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New Graduate Program

Transition into Practice (TIP)

Children’s of Alabama offers a program for newly hired/newly graduated nurses called TIP. The TIP program provides opportunities for nurses who graduated nursing school within the last 12 months of employment to transition from the academic classroom environment into professional nursing practice. The newly graduated nurse will participate in new employee orientation, nursing services orientation, unit-based orientation, and have a preceptor assigned at the unit level. The TIP program is additional education; content focuses on patient outcomes, prioritization of care, safety and quality, and professional nursing. Participants in the program will experience simulation scenarios, lecture from subject matter experts, hands on learning activities, and opportunities to socialize with other newly hired, newly graduated nurses.

The TIP program is additional education; content focuses on patient outcomes, prioritization of care, safety and quality, and professional nursing. Participants in the program will experience simulation scenarios, lecture from subject matter experts, hands on learning activities, and opportunities to socialize with other newly hired, newly graduated nurses.

The TIP program is intended to last into the new graduate nurse’s fourth month of employment. Participants will attend three didactic + simulation sessions (one per month) over the course of the TIP program.

There is no need to apply for the TIP program! All nurses who have graduated nursing school within the last 12 months will be enrolled in the program.

Questions about the TIP Program? Contact our TIP Coordinator: 

Jennifer Childress, PhD, RN, CPEN 
Nursing Professional Development
Office: 205-638-7738
Email: Jennifer.Childress@childrensal.org