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The Division of Pulmonary Medicine specializes in the treatment of patients with a variety of lung disorders, including asthma, bronchopulmonary dysplasia (BPD), cystic fibrosis, interstitial lung diseases, pneumonias, sleep disorders, lung problems related to neuromuscular disorders and ventilator-dependence.

The Pediatric Pulmonary Division is a leader in all facets of academic medicine including care, education, and research. It includes 15 faculty members and nearly 85 divisional personnel dedicated to advancing our understanding and treatment of pediatric pulmonary disorders. It is the home of the MCHB-funded Pediatric Pulmonary Center (PPC), the UAB CFFT Therapeutic Development Network Translational Research Center, the UAB Center for CFTR Detection Core within the CFFT-TDN, a CFF accredited CF Care Center, and the Translational Research in Normal and Disordered Development (TReNDD) Program. It supports subspecialty fellowship training in both Pediatric Pulmonology and Sleep Medicine, and master's level training in nursing, social work, nutrition, and respiratory therapy.

Clinic 6
Lowder Building
1600 7th Avenue South
Birmingham, AL 35233-1771

Children's South
1940 Elmer J Bissell Rd
Birmingham, AL 35243

Specialty Clinics offered:

Visit UAB Pediatric Pulmonary Center

If you have an appointment with Pulmonary Medicine and have any questions, please call our Scheduling Center at 205-638-9141 or 1-800-226-4770.

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