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Healthcare Professionals

Referring a patient

Most patients will need to come to Sleep Clinic prior to an overnight nocturnal polysomnogram. To schedule an appointment for Sleep Clinic appointment please call 205-638-2402.

The patients that may be referred for a direct nocturnal polysomnogram, bypassing clinic, are patients in which clinical guidelines clearly indicate a sleep study regardless of symptoms. These patients include: Trisomy 21, Achondroplasia, Prader Willi starting on Growth Hormone, muscular dystrophy, and congenital central hypoventilation. Please note that if you direct refer for a sleep study, while our staff can make recommendations, ultimately it is a referred procedure and the referring physician is responsible for follow-up and treatment.

To schedule an appointment for an overnight sleep study without a clinic visit (direct study), the referring Physician should contact the Sleep Disorder Center on Monday-Thursday 8:00 a.m. - 4:30 p.m. and Friday 8:00 a.m. - 3:30 p.m. at 205-638-9386. You may also download our referral form (the instructions are on the referral form).

Scheduling a Polysomnogram
Although some patients should be seen first by one of our staff, overnight polysomnograms can be ordered directly by a physician by completing a request form, including clinic notes from last visit, and attaching an insurance referral. These completed can be faxed to 205-638-2466. Our sleep specialist will review the patients clinical history and determine if the patient can come directly to the Sleep Center without an office visit. Once the appointment is scheduled, our staff will fax appointment date to the referring physician. Our staff will mail out appointment date to the parent(s) or guardian within one week.