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Simon The Loving Lion

Telling a hospitalized child that God loves her/him is one thing; giving a child a tangible expression of God’s love is quite another.  Simon the Loving Lion is just that, a squeezable and huggable sign of God’s love and the prayers of God’s people. In January 1999, the chaplains at Children’s of Alabama began giving a stuffed animal named Simon to children admitted through the hospital’s trauma service. Over time, and with the help of generous donors, Simon’s work has expanded to include all patient care areas at Children’s of Alabama. For a donation of $19.95 you can sponsor a Simon the Loving Lion that will be provided for a patient.

For more information on becoming a donor, contact the Spiritual Care Department by email SpiritualCare@childrensal.org  or by phone 205-638-9090.

Simon says, “Thank you!” to all who support this ministry with their donations and prayers.