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Peer & Non Peer-Reviewed Publications

Peer Reviewed Publications

  1. Tofil NM, White ML, Manzella B, McGill D, Zinkan J. Initiation of a pediatric mock code program at a children’s hospital. Med Teach. 2009;31(6):e241-247. PMID:19811155. doi: 10.1080/01421590802637974
  2. Tofil NM, Benner KW, Worthington M, Zinkan L, White ML. Use of simulation to enhance learning in a pediatric elective. Am J Pharm Educ. 2010;74(2):21. PMID:20414434. doi: 10.5688/aj740221
  3. Tofil NM, White ML, Grant M, Zinkan JL, Patel B, Jenkins L, Youngblood AQ, Royal SA. Severe contrast reaction emergencies: High-fidelity simulation training for radiology residents and technologists in a children’s hospital. Acad Radiol. 2010;17(7):934-40. PMID:20471871. doi:10.1016/j.acra.2010.03.016
  4. Tofil NM, Benner KW, Zinkan L, Alten JA, Varisco BM, White ML. Pediatric intensive care simulation course: A new paradigm in teaching. J Grad Med Educ. 2011;3(1):81-87. PMID:22379527. doi: 10.4300/JGME-D-10-00070.1
  5. Niebauer JM, White ML, Zinkan JL, Youngblood A, Tofil NM. Hyperventilation in pediatric resuscitation: Performance in simulated pediatric medical emergencies. Pediatrics. 2011;128(5):e1195-e1200. PMID:21969287. doi: 10.1542/peds.2010-3696
  6. Avis K, Lozano D, White ML, Youngblood AQ, Zinkan JL, Niebauer JM, Tofil NM. High fidelity simulation training for sleep technologists in a pediatric sleep disorders center. J Clin Sleep Med. 2012;8(1):97-101. PMID:22334815. doi: 10.5664/jcsm.1672.
  7. Mitchell MS, White ML, King WD, Wang HE. Paramedic king laryngeal tube airway insertion versus endotracheal intubation in simulated pediatric respiratory arrest. Prehospital Emergency Care. 2012;16(2):284–288. PMID:22229954. doi: 10.3109/10903127.2011.640762
  8. Youngblood AQ, Zinkan JL, Tofil NM, White ML. Multidisciplinary simulation in pediatric critical care: The death of a child. Critical Care Nurse. 2012;32(3):55-61. PMID:22661159. doi: 10.4037/ccn2012499.
  9. White ML, Jones RL, Zinkan JL, Tofil NM. Transfer of simulated lumbar puncture training to the clinical setting. Pediatric Emergency Care. 2012;28(10):1009-12. PMID:23023465. doi: 10.1097/PEC.0b013e31826ca96b
  1. White ML, Gilbert S, Youngblood AQ, Zinkan JL, Martin R, Tofil NM. High-fidelity simulations for orthopaedic residents. Journal of Bone & Joint Surgery. 2013;95:e701-704. PMID:23023465. doi: 10.2106/JBJS.L.00761.
  2. Holt RL, Tofil NM, Hurst C, Youngblood AQ, Peterson DT, Zinkan JL, White ML, Clemons JL, Robin NH. Utilizing high-fidelity crucial conversation simulation in genetic counseling training. American Journal of Medical Genetics. 2013; Part A 9999:1-5. PMID:23633180. doi: 10.1002/ajmg.a.35952. Epub 2013 Apr 30.
  3. Tofil NM, Zinkan JL, Youngblood AQ, Rutledge C, Stone J, Peterson DT, Slayton D, Makris C, Magruder T, White ML. Ventilator caregiver education through the use of high fidelity pediatric simulators: A pilot study. Clinical Pediatrics. 2013;52(11):1038-43. PMID:24137039. doi: 10.1177/0009922813505901
  4. Tofil NM, Vankineni K, Niebauer J, Zinkan JL, Youngblood AQ, Harrington K, Peterson DT, White ML. High fidelity simulation enhances learning during a third year medical student pediatric clerkship. Medical Science Educator. 2013;23(3): 313-320.
  5. Tofil NM, Peterson DT, Harrington KF, Perrin BT, Hughes JT, Zinkan JL, Youngblood AQ, Bartolucci A, White ML. Fellows as Teachers: A Novel Iterative-Learner Simulation Model. Journal of Graduate Medical Education. 2014;6(1): 127-132. PMID:24701323. doi: 10.4300/JGME-D-13-00067.1.
  6. Tofil NM, Morris JL, Peterson DT, Watts P, Epps C, Harrington KF, Leon K, Pierce C, White ML. Interprofessional simulation training improves knowledge and teamwork in nursing and medical students during internal medicine clerkship. Journal of Hospital Medicine. 2014;9(3):189-192. PMID:24420579. doi: 10.1002/jhm.2126. Epub 2014 Jan 13. [Accompanying Editorial: O'Leary KJ, Woods DM. Making the potential benefit of teamwork training a reality. Journal of Hospital Medicine. 2014;9(3):201-202. PubMed PMID: 24420675].
  7. Tofil NM, Peterson DT, Wheeler JT, Youngblood AQ, Zinkan JL, Lara D, Jakaitis B, Niebauer JM, White ML. Repeated versus Varied Case Selection in Pediatric Resident Simulation. Journal of Graduate Medical Education.2014;6(2): 275-279. PMID:24949131. doi: 10.4300/JGME-D-13-00099.1.
  8. Tofil NM, Dollar J, Zinkan JL, Youngblood AQ, Peterson DT, White ML, Stooksberry TN, Jarrell SA, King C. Performance of anesthesia residents during a simulated ventricular fibrillation in an anesthetized pediatric patient. Pediatric Anesthesia. 2014;24(9): 940-944. PMID:24725284. doi: 10.1111/pan.12406.
  9. Jones NE, White M, Tofil N, Pickens M, Youngblood A, Zinkan L, Baker M. Randomized trial comparing two mass casualty triage systems in a simulated pediatric mass casualty incident. Prehospital Emergency Care. 2014;18(3):417-23. PMID:24601857. doi:10.3109/10903127.2014.882997. Epub 2014 Mar 6
  10. Cheng A, Brown LL, Duff JP, Davidson J, Overly F, Tofil NM, Peterson DT, White ML, , Charnovich A, Hunt EA, Kessler DO, Wong H, Robertson N, Lin Y, Doan Q, Duval-Arnould JM, Nadkarni VM. Improving cardiopulmonary resuscitation with a CPR feedback device and refresher simulations (CPR CARES Study): A randomized clinical trial. JAMA Pediatrics. 2015; 169(2): 137 – 144. doi: 10.1001/jamapediatrics.2014.2616
  11. Cheng A, Overly F, Kessler D, Nadkarni VM, Lin Y, Doan Q, Duff JP, Tofil NM, Bhanji F, Adler M, Charnovich A, Hunt EA, Brown LL. Perception of CPR quality: Influence of CPR feedback, Just-in-Time CPR training and provider role. Resuscitation. 2015;87: 44-50. doi: 10.1016/j.resuscitation.2014.11.015. Epub 2014 Nov 26.
  12. Teske S, Peterson DT, Morse A, Hardy L, Youngblood AQ, Tofil NM. Utilizing High-Fidelity Simulation to Teach Pediatric Residents Clinical Nutrition: A Curricular Change Guided by a Needs Assessment. ICAN: Infant, Child, & Adolescent Nutrition. 2015; 7(6): 367-74.
  13. Cheng A, Hunt EA, Grant D, Lin Y, Grant V, Duff JP, White ML, Peterson DT, Zhong J, Gottesman R10, Sudikoff S, Doan Q, Nadkarni VM for the International Network for Simulation-based Pediatric Innovation, Research, Education (INSPIRE) CPR Investigators. Variability in Quality of Chest Compressions Provided During Simulated Cardiac Arrest Across Nine Pediatric Institutions. Resuscitation. 2015;97:13-19.
  14. Bateman L, Tofil NM, White ML, Zinkan JL, Youngblood AQ, Dure L, Clair JM, Needham BL. Physician Communication in Pediatric End-Of-Life Care: A Simulation Study American Journal of Hospice and Palliative Medicine 2016; 33(10): 935-941.
  15. Hunt EA, Duval-Arnould J, Chime NO, Auerbach M, Kessler D, Duff JP, Shilkofski N, Brett-Fleegler M, Nadkarni V, Cheng A for International Network for Simulation-based Pediatric Innovation, Research, Education (INSPIRE) CPR Investigators. Building consensus for the future of paediatric simulation: a novel ‘KJ Reverse-Merlin’ methodology BMJ Simulation & Technology Enhanced Learning 2016;1-7.
  16. Adler MD, Overly FL, Nadkarni VM, Davidson J, Gottesman R, Bank I, Marohn K, Sudikoff S, Grant VJ, Cheng A for International Network for Simulation-based Pediatric Innovation, Research, Education (INSPIRE) CPR Investigators. An approach to confederate training within the context of simulation-based research. Sim Healthcare 2016; 11(5):357-362.
  17. Prabharkaran P, Sasser W, Kalra Y, Rutledge C, Tofil NM. Ventilator Graphics Minerva Pediatrics 2016; 68(6): 456-461. PMID: 27471820.
  18. Cheng A, Kessler D, MacKinnon R, Chang T, Nadkarni V, Hunt EA, Duval-Arnould J, Lin Y, Cook DA, Pusic M, Hui J, Moher D, Auerbach M for the INSPIRE Network Reporting Guidelines Investigators. Reporting Guidelines for Health Care Simulation Research: Extensions for the CONSORT and STROBE Statements. Sim Healthcare 2016;11(4):238-248.
  19. Sims AN, Feig DI, Dietiker KL, Peterson DT, Zinkan JL, Youngblood AQ, Tofil NM. A novel teaching mechanism in nephrology on the dangers of hypocalcemia in chronic renal failure. Journal of Clinical Pediatric Nephrology. 2016. [ Epub ahead of print]
  20. Larson-Williams LM, Youngblood A, Epps N, Peterson DT, Abdullatif H, Zinkan JL, White ML, Tofil NM. A Multidisciplinary, Longitudinal Simulation to Teach Pediatric Residents and Nurses How to Diagnose, Treat, and Manage Pediatric Patients with Diabetic Ketoacidosis. World Journal of Critical Care 2016; 5(4): 212-218.
  21. Cravens M, Benner K, Beall J, Worthington M, Denson B, Youngblood AQ, Zinkan JL, Tofil NM. Effectiveness of Simulation to Enhance Learning of Torsades de Pointes for Clinical Pharmacists and Pharmacy Students. The Journal of Pediatric Pharmacology and Therapeutics 2016; 21(6):476-485.
  22. Nassetta L, White ML, Eschborn S, Peterson DT, Zinkan JL, Youngblood AQ, Tofil NM. Simulation to Induce and Study Premature Closure Diagnostic Error Medical Science Educator 2016;26:623-9.
  23. Cheng A, Duff J, Brown L, Bhanji F, Kessler D, Tofil N, Hunt B, Nadkarni V, Hecker K, Wan B, Lin J. for the International Network for Simulation-based Pediatric Innovation, Research and Education (INSPIRE) CPR Investigators. The effect of step stool use and provider height on quality of chest compressions during pediatric cardiac arrest: A simulation-based multicenter study. Canadian Journal of Emergency Medicine. Nov. 2016. In Press
  24. Bateman LB, White ML, Tofil NM, Clair JM, Needham BL. A Qualitative Examination of Physician Gender and Parental Status in Pediatric End-of-Life Communication. 2017; 19:1-7. [Epub ahead of print] Vol 00, No 00, 1-7. PMID: 27436067.
  25. Johnston E, King C, Cox J, Youngblood AQ, Zinkan LZ, Peterson DT, Tofil NM. Anaphylaxis in the Operating Room a Simulation Study. Pediatric Anesthesia. Feb. 2017.
  26. Chime NO, Riese V, Scherzer DJ, Perretta JS, McNamara L, Rosen MA, Hunt EA, Singh K, Fiedor-Hamilton M, Tofil NM, Stone K, Adler MD, Flores J, Van Ittersum W, Deutsch E, Boyer DL, Duval-Arnould J. for the International Network for Simulation-based Pediatric Innovation, Research and Education (INSPIRE) CPR Investigators. Epinephrine Auto Injector versus Drawn up Epinephrine for Anaphylaxis Management: A Scoping Review. The annals of Allergy, Asthma and Immunology. April 2017.
  27. Scherzer DJ, Chime N, Hamilton MF, Tofil NM, Hunt EA. Pediatric Resident and Fellow Knowledge of Epinephrine Auto-Injector Use in Tertiary Care Medical Centers. Accepted to Allergy Immunology. April 2017.
  28. Tofil NM, Lin Y, Zhong J, Peterson DT, White ML, Grant V, Grant D, Gottesman R, Sudikoff S, Adler M, Marohn K, Davidson J, Doan Q, Cheng A for the INSPIRE QCPR Investigators. Workload of team leaders and team members during a simulated pediatric sepsis scenario. Pediatric Critical Care. May, 2017, epub June 30, 2017.
  29. White ML, Zinkan JL, Smith G, Youngblood AQ, Peterson DT, Strachan S, Tofil NM. High Fidelity Simulation as part of a Teen Trauma Prevention Program. Traffic Injury Prevention. Epub Nov. 2017.
  30. Chang TP, Doughty C, Mitchell D, Rutledge C, Auerbach M, Frisell K, Jani P, Kessler DO, Wolfe H, MacKinnon RJ, Dewan M, Pirie J, Lemke DS, Khattab M, Tofil NM, Nagamuthu C, Walsh CM. Leveraging quick response code technology to facilitate simulation-based leaderboard competition. Simulation in Healthcare. February 2018.
  31. Rutledge C, Walsh CM, Swinger N, Auerbach M, Castro D, Dewan M, Khattab M, Rake A, Harwayne-Gidansky I, Raymond TT, Maa T, Chang T; Quality Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation (QCPR) leaderboard investigators of the International Network for Simulation-based Pediatric Innovation, Research and Education (INSPIRE). Gamification in Action: Theoretical and Practical Considerations for Medical Educators. Academic Medicine 93(7). February 2018.
  32. Brown LL, Lin Y, Tofil NM, Overly F, Duff JP, Bhanji F, Nadkarni VM, Hunt EA, Bragg A, Kessler D, Bank I, Cheng A; International Network for Simulation-based Pediatric Innovation, Research and Education (INSPIRE) CPR Investigators. Impact of a CPR feedback device on healthcare provider workload during simulated cardiac arrest. Resuscitation 130: 111-117. 2018.
  33. Tofil NM, Rutledge C, Surapa Raju S, Zinkan JL, Norwood C, Gaither S, Eberhardt A. Novel paediatric pericardiocentesis simulator: a collaboration between the Departments of Pediatrics and Biomedical Engineering. BMJ Simulation and Technology Enhanced Learning Published Online First: 25 June 2018.
  34. Jackson D, Chilukuri P, Rutledge C, Gaither S, Sawyer K, Tofil NM. Newborn Nursery Emergencies: Simulating the First Five Minutes. Ann Pediatr Child Health 6(2): 1145. March 2018.
  35. Tofil NM, Schier S, Benningfield B, Cooper A, Sloane PA, Zinkan JL, Norwood C, Wise K, Rutledge C. Tracheostomy education for parents utilizing simulation: a new paradigm in parental education. J of Pediatric Nursing 2018:44(3):111-115.
  36. Cheng A, Duff JP, Kessler D, Tofil NM, Davidson J, Lin Y, Chatfield J, Brown LL, Hunt EA; International Network for Simulation-based Pediatric Innovation, Research and Education (INSPIRE) CPR Investigators. Collaborators (6) Nye M, Gaither S, Collier H, MacKinnon L, Lowe K, Lambert V. Optimizing CPR Performance with CPR Coaching for Pediatric Cardiac Arrest: A Randomized Simulation-based Clinical Trial. Resuscitation. 2018 Aug 24. pii: S0300-9572(18)30797-4. doi: 10.1016/j.resuscitation.2018.08.021. [Epub ahead of print]
  37. Walley S, Schaefer S, Tyner T, Walker K, Powell J, Tarn V, Troxler B, Aban I, Tofil NM. A Simulation-Enhanced Curriculum to Improve Resident Knowledge and Skills in Smoking Cessation Treatment. Medical Science Educator 28(4): 601-607. December 2018.
  38. Zinkan JL, Rutledge C, Norwood C, Wise K, Gaither S, Cameron B, Tofil NM, Surapa Raju SK. Nurse Vigilance: A 3-part Simulation Course to Decrease Cardiopulmonary Arrests Outside of Intensive Care Units. Journal for Nurses in Professional Development. July/August 2019:35(4):E1-E8.
  39. Bernard DW, White ML, Tofil NM, Jolliffe C, Youngblood A, Zinkan JL, Gaither SL, Peterson DT, Yuan YY. A Simulation Course Focusing on Forensic Evidence Collection Improves Pediatric Knowledge and Standardizes Curriculum for Child Abuse. South Med J. 2019 Sep;112(9):487-490. doi: 10.14423/SMJ.0000000000001014.
  40. Swinger ND, Rutledge C, Gaither S, Youngblood AQ, Zinkan JL, Tofil NM. Rapid cycle deliberate practice improves and sustains paediatric resident PALS performance. BMJ Simulation and Technology Enhanced Learning. Published Online First: September 2019.doi:10.1136/bmjstel-2019-000483.
  41. Wise K, Zinkan JL, Rutledge C, Gaither S, Norwood C, Tofil NM. Development Of A “First Five Minutes” Program To Improve Staff Response To Pediatric Codes. American Journal of Critical Care. May 2020:29(3). In Press

Non Peer Reviewed Publications

  1. Tofil NM, Niebauer JM, Zinkan JL, Youngblood AQ, Wooten C, White ML. High-fidelity simulation in respiratory therapy: A pediatric respiratory simulation course. RT: For Decision Makers in Respiratory Care. 2011 May: 1-3.