SHINE Introduction & Directions
Children's Center for Weight Management offers interdisciplinary care for children, adolescents and their families through our outpatient Weight Management Clinic. Our team includes pediatricians, nurses, nurse practitioners, dietitians, physical therapists, and psychologists. Since the majority of children and adolescents become overweight because of unhealthy lifestyles and choices, the goal of our clinic is to assist families in making permanent changes that result in weight loss and improved health and well-being. Families get the most benefit out of their visit to the weight management clinic when they come ready to change their behavior and start new healthy habits. However, we also realize that each family has different needs and may be in a different stage of readiness to change. Thus, our clinicians work toward offering a family-centered approach where we gather information from each family which helps us understand individual needs and prior difficulties with weight loss. With the family's permission, we also assist in identifying resources and a support system outside of the clinic that will help them achieve their goals and increase or sustain their motivation. We do not agree or recommend fad diets that result in rapid weight loss or the use of over the counter or prescription weight loss medicine. Research and clinical practice indicates that the families who are successful with long-term weight loss are those that do not rely on a quick fix, but make permanent changes in their lifestyle.
Clinic Information: 205-638-5750
Directions to our Clinic:
The Weight Management Clinic is a specialty clinic at Children's South. Children's South is located at 1940 Elmer J. Bissell Road, Birmingham, AL 35243.
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