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Inside Pediatrics Podcast

Our hospital, like others across the country, is experiencing intermittent shortages of medications used as part of multi-agent treatment regimens considered standard of care for various pediatric cancers. This includes, but is not limited to, medication such as carboplatin, cisplatin, fludarabine, hydrocortisone, and methotrexate. Our oncology pharmacy procurement team has diligently managed these shortages thus far, allowing our patients to continue to receive uninterrupted treatment. The shortages are primarily caused by disruptions in the manufacturing process, but often, the exact reason for the shortage is unknown to us. Even when manufacturing shortages are corrected, it could take some time before these medications are replenished to normal amounts. 

Children’s of Alabama is a member of the Children’s Oncology Group, as well as other pediatric oncology consortiums, and we are working with these national groups to manage the shortages to make decisions regarding substitutions and omissions if ever necessary. Our team of providers will contact the families of any patients who may be impacted to discuss options if a shortage does indeed cause a need for change in the patient’s expected treatment plan.

We will continue to monitor the shortage closely and make decisions in the best interest of all our patients.