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How to Build a Community Care Team

What is a community support team?

Forming a Hope and Cope Community Team is a way to tap into your support system and organize it. This team of caring volunteers provides practical, emotional, and spiritual support to your child and family during your medical journey.

How do I form a Hope and Cope Community Support Team; and How many people should be on our team?

Typically team members are volunteers from churches, civic groups, businesses, university students, family and friends. Team size varies depending on your family's needs and availability of volunteers. In general an ideal team has approximately 6 to 12 people.

What is each Team member's time commitment?

In general team members make a 1-year commitment but their weekly time commitment is flexible. Individuals donate however much time they can based on their own schedule, personal limits, and boundaries. Time commitments vary from a few hours per week to only a few hours per month.

What kind of services can my family receive from the Hope and Cope Community Support team?

A team generally offers what friends give to friends, tailored to the particular needs of the persons being served. This caring may include friendship, transportation to the doctor, household chores, errands, shopping, meals, social outings, and respite for caregivers. Visits, listening and prayers are important as well. A team does not offer any nursing care, dispense medications, or take the place of healthcare professionals.

How Does the Hope and Cope Community Support Team operate?

A team designates a leader and meets regularly (e.g., monthly if possible) to coordinate the family's care needs and to reflect on their experience together. Ongoing support and guidance for these community teams is available through UAB Division of Pediatric Hematology and Oncology at Children's Hospital Hope and Cope program.