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Shayne and Payne are twins born at only 24 weeks gestation on October 4, 2000 in Dothan. They stayed in the hospital for four months, gaining weight and getting stronger each day. They were both on ventilators but would aspirate every time they would cry. Their mom and dad, Michelle and Doyle, wondered when they would ever get to take them home. They did get strong enough to breathe on their own and both were released from the hospital in early February 2001, just days apart. Michelle said once they got them home they could barely suck their bottles. They were only home a few days before they were back in the hospital. They found that both boys had severe hernias, which made them cry all the time from the excruciating pain.

Once they realized the problem, the doctors told them that they typically waited until the child was older to perform this type surgery. They were only 6 lbs. at the time, but after examining them the doctor realized the severity of the situation and performed surgery the next day.

Michelle said, “Children’s Hospital is a God-send. The care and concern was definitely there. They were able to perform surgery on them as small as they were, and today they are the same size as their peers. They are in the first grade and to look at them now you would never know they were premies.”