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James Lee Gable was born in July of 1962 a happy healthy baby who by the time he turned three could barely breathe, eat or sleep. Although he had to be propped on a pillow to sleep, banging his head in an effort to breathe and could only eat small bites of soft foods like his favorite mayonnaise sandwiches the doctors in Boaz could do nothing for him. Jamie continued to survive with stick thin arms and legs and an abdomen as big around as he was tall until a new physician recommended a trip to Birmingham. That first visit to Children's Hospital changed Jamie's life. The doctors were amazed at the size of Jamie's tonsils and wondered that he was able to swallow anything. Since his case was so unusual, pictures were taken to document his condition for use in teaching new physicians. During the surgery to remove the swollen tonsils the doctor saw a growth in his nasal cavity that looked like a hornet's nest. This is what blocked Jamie's breathing when he tried to sleep and by banging his head Jamie could move it around so he could breathe and rest. After the four hour surgery the doctor told Jamie's parents that he was the youngest patient he had ever performed that surgery on. After a short recovery Jamie began to thrive. Eating, sleeping and playing helped Jamie to grow into the man he is today. As a member of Cornerstone Baptist Church, Jamie worships and sings with a booming voice that carries to each corner of the sanctuary. Without the care he received at Children's Hospital that voice would have been silenced. Jamie thanks God today for parents who continued to search for help and for the doctors and nurses of Children's who provided the care he needed. James Lee Gable is truly a child of Children's.