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As a seven year old child I was transferred to Children's Hospital after experiencing weeks of painful stomach cramps in the summer of 1989. The local hospital in my town could not determine the source of my discomfort. However, the staff at Children's immediately found the source of my pain and planned for surgery. A few days after admittance, Dr. Crane removed my gallbladder after several gallstones were found. I remember worrying relentlessly about the pain that I would endure after the surgery, yet the staff kindly diverted my attention elsewhere. The kindness and thoroughness of the staff was exceptional! What stands out about my experience at Children's was the one time the staff spent with me trying to lift my spirits and allowing me to be a child through art, crafts, and coloring. Interestingly enough I am now 28 years old and employed as a counselor who attempts to lift children's spirits and allow them to also be a child while enduring traumatic events.
Thank you Children's for the outstanding support you provide to children and their families as they face difficult times!