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One day my daughter Whitney was complaining of a bad sore throat. We went to see her doctor and they just said that she had tonsillitis and that it would've gone away if she had taken medicine. Later on her throat kept hurting and her tonsils were huge. She was having trouble breathing and she tossed and turned during the night and she would snore so loud. We went to the doctor a few days later and he referred us to Children’s Hospital in Birmingham it was Children’s South. So we went down there and he scheduled for her to have surgery done. On October 5, 2007 she had her tonsils removed and her adenoids removed too. She was so happy. After a few days of surgery she has never complaining of a sore throat again. And since today she hasn’t complained about her breathing problems and she never snores. If your child has a breathing, sore throat and loud snoring problems ask to be referred to Dr.Wooley, he is the best tonsil surgeon ever. Children’s Hospital is the best hospital for a child with tonsillitis