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Paloric Stenosis

Aaliyah's Story It was right after Thanksgiving 2003. Aaliyah was only 1 month old. She couldn't eat and we were having tests run on her for Paloric Stenosis. The ultrasound revealed that she did not meet the guidelines for surgery. So we kept praying and she kept getting worse until finally we brought her to Children's Hospital. We went through the E.R. and I begged the doctor to admit her even though he didn't believe it was anything serious. He barely checked on her saying that all that was wrong with her was she had Acid Reflux. By Saturday night I was beginning to become very upset. Sunday morning I fired him and an angel was sent to us --she sent Aaliyah for her tests. After the UGI we found out that indeed she did have Paloric Stenosis. I still do not know the doctors name that took over my child's case but she was a blessing. I think about her everyday and wish I could let her know how thankful I am that God Blessed us with her. She rushed Aaliyah into surgery for Paloric Stenosis and made sure she was comfortable. Thank You Children's Hospital for keeping good doctors on staff to help children. I know her condition was not as bad as some but at the time she was dying and God and Children's saved my daughter THANK YOU!!