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Joint Infection

Chris' Story By Angela McRae I've been working at Children's Hospital in the IT Department since 2005. I teach the patient care computer classes such as Invision. In October of 2007, my son Chris McRae somehow managed to fall at school while playing dodge ball and jam his tooth into his knee joint. He developed an iconela and staph infection in his knee joint. This led to an 8 day stay at the hospital and a PICC line for 4 weeks at home. My visit to the emergency room and in the hospital was full of comforting familiar faces, as I had taught a lot of the nurses and unit clerks the Invision Software in my class. My fellow employees are great. Chris is fully recovered now and made the track team at his junior high school this year. I tell his story now in my classes and how his visit gave me an inside scope on exactly how things are done in the hospital today. I give lots of real world examples because I've been there, seen that. Chris is truly a Child of Children's.