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Premature Birth

Mason had a rough start to begin with. He was born 9 weeks early. We were so excited when we finally got to take him home. However, two weeks later he became very ill. After doctors admitted him they let us know he would be in the best hands at Children's Hospital in Birmingham. At a month old, he took his first ride in a plane, and us on the ride of our lives. The doctors were very sincere and upfront about what we were up against. If it wasn't for Children's, Mason may not be here today. He was very sick. He is also a strong little man! Children's Hospital means a second chance for our family. We were able to experience first-hand the love they have for their patients and the families. The doctors and nurses are one in a million and make you feel very secure when taking care of your loved ones. And when it's a baby needing the caring it makes it so much more comforting knowing they are there for you. We could not have gotten through it without them. Many thanks!