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How to Donate and Ways to Help

Online Giving

Families typically attend an average of 12 sessions per year. Since we do not charge families a fee for counseling services, we are dependent upon community and grant support.  You are essential in providing families a place of hope!

You can contribute by making a one-time donation, making an honorarium or memorial gift or pledging to make a monthly contribution. 

Please send your donation to:

The Amelia Center
1513 4th Avenue South
Birmingham, AL 35233 

or Donate to the Amelia Center to make a contribution by credit card.

Memorial and Honoraria Gifts

Gifts made in honor or memory of a loved one are a special way to celebrate someone while making a tangible difference in the lives of others. A note can be sent to the individual of your choosing notifying them of the gift you make.


Matching Funds

You could double your contribution to The Amelia Center through a matching gift from your company. Many companies offer matching funds to charitable organizations who have received donations from one of their employees. When making a gift to The Amelia Center, ask your supervisor if your company has a matching gift program.