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Golden Har Syndrome

By Elizabeth Shoemaker Speegle

I was born with several facial congenital birth defects. I was treated at the Crippled Children's Clinic and the Children's Hospital all my little life. Every month my parents and I came to Birmingham for check-ups and procedures. I had extra ears removed from both sides of my face. Several eat tube surgeries and tonsils removed. And eventually later in life had reconstructive jaw surgery. I have eye issues also. I have Golden Har Syndrome. And when I had my daughter, Emily I relived my whole younger life over. She has Golden Har and uses Children's Hospital and its services now. Dr. John Grant is her plastic surgeon. Thank god Children's still makes miracles come true today. Like I said, we are using Children's for my daughter now. I tell her mommy has gone through everything she has gone through, and that this was mommy's hospital.